Our Founder
Organic Atman has been founded by Vedant Godbole, who is an environmentalist at heart and extremely passionate towards building a sustainable future.
Having had low immunity as a child followed by multiple health issues all throughout childhood pushed Vedant to truly understand and learn about the importance of eating clean chemical free food and having a healthy lifestyle. He soon came to realise that eating clean and pure organic food was just the healthy choice that helped him overcome his medical problems, that years of antibiotics and health supplements could not. This life changing revelation had to be shared with the world, and thus began the journey of Organic Atman.
It took a good couple of years for Vedant to research and study the agriculture industry and the workings of various Agro businesses. In this time Vedant also got the opportunity of working closely with farmers. Not only did he gain practical experience but also, developed a thorough understanding of very real problems that farmers have to face on a daily basis. The use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and the various preservative treatments that the food we consume undergoes was eye opening and a big cause of concern. The agriculture industry today is highly materialized and commercialised with lots of brands competing for market space. However, in this race one should not compromise or neglect mainly three things – product quality, the environment and social responsibility.
Organic Atman was Founded with the Vision of making pure and honest products; food ingredients that are free of any harmful chemicals or preservatives, easily available to the consumer by working directly with farmers. Vedant's goal is to create employment opportunities, practice direct trade to ensure full purchase price goes directly to the farmer, follow sustainable and traditional methods of farming and processing, cater to the need of chemical free food ingredients and deliver a product that will help make the consumer’s lifestyle healthier.